Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day with Grandma and Grandpa....

Well, yesterday we went to grandma's and grandpa's and spent the day down there. Brayden had so much fun. We celebrated his cousin Isabella's birthday and fit quite a few things into a short period of time. He slept while in the car only and played the whole time we were there. The good news is he was awake for a few hours in the car and didn't really well. He got mad, but it only lasted a few seconds!! I can't complain. One of these days we will attempt the drive to Minnesota!!! I am missing the MALL OF AMERICA!!!

Grandpa had his car out, the summer car, and Brayden got to drive it and play in the front seat. I am not sure who was happier, but it made for some cute pictures!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Haircut, Clippers and all this time!

I took Brayden to get his haircut yesterday after looking a few pictures of my little guy with long hair. I put a few first before his new haircut picture, so you could see how long it was!! We got there and the lady put the cushion on the chair wanted me to put him on that with no seatbelts, we didn't do that, he sat on my lap with a sucker and did great!! Everyone at the place was talking about how cute he was and how they couldn't believe how well he was doing. She used the clippers and the trimmers too and the sound didn't even phase him!! He was a CHAMP!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Well, the rash is gone and he is back to his old self. We have had sleepless nights, nights with more sleep than ever before (mom checked periodically to make sure he was still breathing), rashes, fever, 2 new teeth, our first ear infections....we are ready for a break!! I am so glad that he is feeling better and happy and playful again. He goes to the doctor tomorrow to make sure everything really is better, but I am pretty sure we are there!!
On Sunday I took Brayden outside because he had been locked up in the house for 5 days and he got his first knee scrape!! I took a picture, it was so sad to me that he got hurt, although I am not sure it hurt that bad because he jumped right back up and starting running again!
Today Brayden got into the cabinet with the Wii and XBOX stuff and actually picked up the XBOX and put it on the ground. It wasn't plugged in so it didn't have any lights or make any noises so he kind of thought it was garbage!! We will see how long that lasts!! He is one tough little guy!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

"Roly Poly"

Well, the story grows again. Brayden was finallly over the temp on Friday and when I put him down for his nap he woke up with a rash. I called the doctor to find out that he now has double ear infections, red throat, and "ROSEOLA".... (Donny can't remember the name so he has been calling it "ROLY POLY"!! I guess it is a form of measles that many children  get. I have heard that they only get it once and this beautiful rash that they get doesn't come out till the fever is gone. GOODBYE FEVER, HELLO RASH!!! The good news is that he is not contagious and the rash doesn't seem to bother him. It bothers me the most I think. We are definately on the road to recovery, still struggling with drinking enough, but I can make him drink still with my trusty syringe!!! He has been a lot of fun anyway!!

Brayden started shaking his head YES and NO this week. This is something daycare told me at 9 or 10 months he should be doing and he finally started!! It is so funny to watch because he is very dramatic!! I have it on vido on my phone, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to put a video on this thing!! Brayden is starting to climb on everything, from one couch to the next, up and down on the ottoman, out of his carseat, and who knows what is next.

Wish us luck going back to daycare tomorrow, mommy needs to go back to work!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fever is GONE!!!

Well, I ended up taking little B to the doctor yesterday because when he woke up from his am nap he would  not eat or drink. I tried everything juice, sprite, ice cream, popsicles anything and everything I could come up. I fed him fluids with a syringe for a while, which he was okay with for about 2 ounces then he realized that his mom has completey lost it!! That is when I got nervous so I took him in. I am not sure if the doctor saw him because he was concerned or because he knows his mom is a nut case and I wouldn't stop till I figured out what was going on, but either way we were seen.
Brayden has/had a double ear infection, got 2 of the worst teeth imaginable in, a red throat from both of the above. Strep test was negative which is good and as of right now no antibiotics. The treatment plan includes getting fluids down however we can make it work and keeping an eye on the temperature. And I forgot to mention GET BETTER SOON!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sick Day #3

Well, so far this week has been interesting. He has had a temp at this point for 60 hours. I guess even when it is as high as 103.4 the doctor doesn't want to see him until it has been 3 consecutive nights with a high temp. Well, we have had 2 nights so far with a high temp I guess, then we get to have his blood drawn if we have one more. Am I full of good news or what, I can't help but feel sorry for my little peanut because his whole world is upside down. Last night he woke up every 3 hours with a temp or a temp breaking or like what woke him up this am pain. His I-teeth are coming through, they have broken on at least 2 so far. If we are lucky it is the teeth causing all of this and not some nasty bacterial infection but who knows if we will ever know. I guess being a nurse I want to know what could make some precious innocent little guy so miserable!!!
The good news is that I got my cuddle time with him over the past two days and today is number three. I couldn't bear to go to work and think about my little guy all day and how miserable he is.
Another funny story..... Donny and I had him outside for 1 minute on Tuesday and Donny was watering the trees and he picked up the hose and looked at us and said "I DID THAT"!!! and he has been saying it ever since. It was clear as day, wow three words in a row already, be ready for the funny phrases he comes up with to start showing up on the blog as titles or something. I am in for it I am sure!!
Here are a few pictures of our little guy lounging around with a pillow and two of his blankets in the living room. I thought I would get him to lay down next too me, but that doesn't work, he ONLY sleeps in his bed!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Another HOT day and my little man is running a temperature. I came  home from work last night and after eating dinner and our normal walk my little man felt HOT. It was his bed time and he was soooo tired and I was enjoying my time cuddling with him and didn't want to put him in bed till I thought his fever was down because fevers scare me so much. Sometimes being a nurse makes the little things harder because I think that worse first. Well the good news is that I woke up a few times throughout the night and went up and felt his head  and he didn't feel too HOT. When he work up this am he again had a fever of 100.2. Shortly after our cuddle time ended and his fever was done I found it, the cause of his fever!!!! Once again Tooth #13 has broken through and caused a fever. Poor kid has had this a few times now, but pulls through it each time!! He is already wanting to go BYE, BYE!! He now takes my hand and pulls me where he wants to go and the garage door means put me in the car, I want out of here!!!

Donny and Brayden play so rough, and he loves it. This week Brayden wants to go up behind him when he is sitting on the floor and push him over. It always works when it is daddy, but today it tried it with the dog and that didn't go so well!!! The dog looked at him like "Dude your like a small part of me, you aren't going to get anywhere". Of course this made my little guy mad, and I couldn't help but giggle!!

Brayden loves to be outside and I feel so bad when it is this hot because his little body can't handle the heat. He gets so hot in such a short amount of time and it isn't safe for him to be out long. It hopefully won't last long then we can go back to being outside more!!

One thing Brayden started doing this week that I love is giving me kisses when I ask, well only when he wants to but it is soo precious, I don't think I could ever get enough!!

Well, Brayden turned 14 months old on Saturday.
He loves so many things including:
Playing outside
Playing Rough with Daddy
Fruit and Veggie Bites (freeze dried bites)
French Toast Sticks
Riding his Power Wheels
Playing with other Kids
Morning Naps

He also has things he dislikes too including:
Diaper Changes
Wearing Clothes
Mommy Holding other Babies
Waiting for Food

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Starved Rock with the Family

We feel so lucky to have a middle meeting place like Starved Rock!! It is beautiful there! Today was really hot, but the adults got to enjoy the great food at their brunch and then we let the kids play outside for a little while. It was like 100 degrees so it was short lived!! Brayden slept all the way there and then played for 2.5 hours and then slept all the way home!!! Grandma and Grandpa bought them all three little gifts!! Such lucky little kids we have!!!