Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back to work soon......

Almost time to go back to work. This makes me so anxious. I am struggling with how he will do at daycare, it can't be as good as me!! Ha, ha!! He takes a lot of time, but I just keep telling myself this is what they do everyday and every year they get new babies and at least one of them has had to be as time consuming as mine. I hate that my days will be so long but it will be nice to have Donny take him and pick him up at daycare so I will bypass that battle at least. I will be working Monday, Thursday and Friday for now, this way I only will be sending him to daycare 3 days per week and I will get 4 days home with him still.

This week his pooping schedule has been more consistent!! He pooped 3 days in a row, which is a record for us. Then he skipped a day and pooped a few times the next day, some day we will be on a normal baby schedule or at least that is what I tell myself.

We met one of my friends for lunch this week, one of the few times he has been in a restaurant and he did excellent of course, but he doesn't really let other people hold him. He is a mommy's boy for sure!!!

Brayden is now giggling and I think he is trying to roll from his back to his belly, but hasn't quite figured it out yet. Won't be long I am sure.
Yesterday we down to Peoria for cousin Isabella's birthday party. Brayden did really good in the car for a total of 4 hours in one afternoon and slept most of the way!!!! We got home at 9pm and he went to bed at 11pm and didn't wake up till after 7:30. He is becoming quite a good little sleeper.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Growing, Growing, Growing

I can't believe how fast he is growing, I look at pictures of him when he was first born only 10 weeks ago and I can't believe how much he has changed!!! This week he has been much more active and content just sitting with us instead of having to walk all the time. He plays with all of his toys now and can't get enough. His favorite toy is a turquoise octopus "OCTO-P" we call it ,and it already goes everywhere with us. You will see it in the pictures I am sure. We took him shopping today for about 3 hours plus a 35 minute car ride each way and we had very little crying, although we did carry it most of the time because he hates his car seat. Brayden is really starting to like his bedroom, I will post a few pictures of his bedroom for anyone who hasn't seen it.