Monday, May 25, 2015


Legoland was a huge success!!! We've been promising Brayden we would take him for a while so we planned it around his birthday!!! He loved every second of it!!! It has so much stuff stuffed into its small space!!! It was not much walking and a great variation of things to do!!! He says his favorite part was the 4D movie!!! Here are a few pictures of the fun!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

6 Months is getting close

I can't believe that my boys are 5 years old and almost 6 months old!! Time is flying by!! I feel like the luckiest mom in the world, both of my boys are PERFECT if you ask me!! Last night Nolan slept almost 12 hours!! I checked to make sure he was breathing it was so long!! I had almost 2 hours in the morning all by myself!!! Its going to be a good weekend!! We are going to LEGOLAND tomorrow as part of Brayden's birthday celebration!! I guess he gets 3 weeks of birthday weekends!!
Nolan is loving all food that I have given him so far!! I will be starting fruits this week!! He starting eating well for daycare too, but has dropped 2 bottles since!! He is down to eating just 5 bottles per day! Nolan turns 6 months old on Wednesday, is transitioning into 6-9 month clothes, eating well, starting to drink from a sippy cup, sitting up with the help of his hands, and sleeping through the night!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

5 year old Questions!!!!

5 Year Old Questions... One of my favorite things to do on his birthday!!!

*Nicknames: brayden Douglas Adams 
*How old are you?  5
*What is your favorite color? Blue
*What is your favorite animal?  Zebra
*What is your favorite book?  Batman one
*What is your favorite TV show? Avengers
*What is your favorite movie?  Disney infinity 
*What is your favorite song? Roll your windows down
*What is your favorite food? McDonald's
*What is your favorite drink? Water
*What is your favorite breakfast food? Pizza
*What is your favorite snack? Oreos
*What is your favorite outfit?  This one (soccer jersey)
*What is your favorite game?  Lego batman
*What is your favorite toy? Imaginex
*Who is your best friend?  William
*What is your favorite thing to do? Watch my iPad 
*What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play ball
*What is your favorite holiday?  California
*What is your favorite place to go? Mcdonalds
*What is your favorite restaurant? Chilis
*Where do you want to go on vacation? Disneyland
*What do you want to be when you get bigger? Policeman
*What did you do on your birthday? Play


We woke up on Thursday morning and since I started my new job I was able to play with Nolan before school and I found he had 2 teeth that had broken through!!! Wow, I think last weekend when he was croupy it had a lot to do with his teeth!! He is such a big boy and if he keeps cutting teeth two at a time I will be one happy mommy!! Great job BABY NOLAN!!! We started him baby food this week and did great with peas and sweet potatoes!!! I guess things have changed since Brayden because I was able to give him more options as stage 1 than I found with Nolan, so Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, and Squash it is for veggies, no green beans anymore!! Then on to fruit we go!! He's really getting this eating thing down!! He stops fussing when I put him in his bouncy seat and he sees a spoon!!! He loves to eat at home, but hasn't had much of a taking to it at school yet, but they keep trying!!! He has continued to be a good sleeper going from 7-9 hours per night straight!!!! Its a good thing he was my second because if Brayden slept like this I might of had another quicker!!! Naps still continue to be inconsistent, but he naps frequently still so I can't complain!!! He has started to always flip himself over if we put him down awake and he puts himself to sleep on his tummy! He looks so cozy and cuddled up I can't help but take a picture!!!

Happy Birthday Brayden!!!!

Happy Birthday to Brayden!! He is Finally 5 years old!!! He has been waiting for this since he started planning his birthday party in February!!! I am very thankful that this was his birthday week because it was his first week at daycare five days ever and it gave him something to look forward too!! He brought in dirt in a cup cupcakes, popcorn, little waters, and extra gummy worms!! It looked like he had enough treats for the whole place, but he was a happy boy and that's all that matters to me!! He had a great day and even talked his favorite teacher into letting them eat dessert first and have cupcakes with their lunches!! These kids are spoiled rotten and they love her like crazy!!! She has been our savior at daycare and really changed Brayden to enjoy going to school!!! She has even got him to the point that he asks to write his name!!!! I got up early this am and decorated the living room and bed room door so when Brayden got up he had decorations!!! He loved it! I heard him stirring and Nolan and I went in and cuddled with him while he sang "It's my birthday, gonna party like its my birthday"!! Absolutely adorable!! We got him a few presents, 5 because he's five and are planning on taking him to Toys 'r' Us and let him pick out some stuff!! Then we are going to Chili's his favorite place to eat besides McDonalds anyway. We offered to see if someone could watch Nolan so we could have some time with him ourselves and he quickly said "I want Nolan there"!! It melted my heart  right on the spot!! I can't believe he is 5 years old and the amazing big brother that I always knew he could be!!! Its been a big year for him and I am so proud to say he is all mine!!!! Brayden Douglas Adams we love you to the moon and back!!! You are an amazing little guy and we couldn't imagine our lives without you!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

5.5 months, new job for Mommy, Full time school

I have been one of those moms that works full time but only 3 LONG days per week since I had Brayden!! That all changed this week!! This is both kids first full week of daycare ever!!! It was bittersweet for me, but I hope the right choice. It seems like a dream to have some normalcy in my work life including being home at a decent time!!! Loving my time with the kids so far but missing not being off for a whole day!!! 
Nolan has been eating cereal for a few weeks and does pretty well, so this week I started him with some green beans and a sippy cup with water!!! He loved both!! I think he likes mommy being home so much he started sleeping 8-9 hours straight at night!!! He's eating and sleeping like a champ!!! He continues to practice sitting up and will have that down soon I'm sure!!! He recognizes mommy and daddy now and actually prefers to be with us, although he is not holding his arms out to come to is quite yet!! I remember the feeling of love I felt the first time Brayden held his arms out to come to me and I can't wait to have that again!!!! 
Brayden has been practicing letting mommy drop him off at school and did well!! He's also really enjoying me picking him up!!! He's swimming like a fish and continues to play Legos and soccer mostly!!! He started a countdown to his birthday all by himself and is super excited!! We talk everyday about all his friends that are coming to his party and how perfect it will be!!! He helped pick out the cake, pinata, and goody bag treats!!! I've got quite the party planner on my hands!!! In soccer last week he took the ball and went down the field a few times he sure has grown from fall season!! He doesn't complain anymore and goes after the ball frequently!!! He has got one goal and quite a few close calls!!! I just love watching him!!! I have a really good video but I can't get it to work!!! 
Here are a few pictures of my little guys from the past week or so!!!!