Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First teeth, really??

It has been a little while since my last post, sorry! Last week we got Brayden's 3 month picture proofs back and they turned out soooo cute. She gave us 153 pictures to pick from and it has been so hard to pick my favorites, luckily she gave us 4x6's of every picture so I don't have to pick all of the way. If anyone would like to look at them here is her website: www.theartisticedgephoto.com
You have to register to go in and then to view his gallery use the password brayden3mo to be able to see the pictures bigger than the thumbnail size. I have so many favorites because she was able to catch so many different facial expressions. I can't wait to see what his 6 month pictures bring.

Poor baby had what I thought was a cold since last Tuesday, at least his nose was running and he was sneezing all of the time with this cough too. Sunday I thought it was kind of weird and he was pretty fussy, so I looked in his mouth and sure enough I can see two little white lines where his two bottom teeth are coming in. He is growing soo fast that I can't even keep up. He has definately had his grouchy moments over the last week.
Donny had Brayden for the first whole day on Labor Day, and he did excellent. I came home to a very happy baby and I couldn't ask for anything else.
Trevor is practicing to babysit!!
Pluto is his new best friend
He loves to see himself in the mirror, he thinks he has a brother!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Growing so BIG

Well another week of day care down and Brayden seems to be doing really well, although he is sleeping a lot there so he is not sleeping so well here:( I am going to work with the daycare to help adjust his sleeping schedule there to be similar to that here.
He is still growing so fast!! I can't believe it. Yesterday morning he woke up early so I got to play with him before work. He was giggling so much I just couldn't stop. Donny and I hadn't heard him laugh like this before, so we kept doing the same thing till he stopped laughing. He has really started to like stuffed animals this week, I think so far PLUTO is his favorite. He has been spending a lot more time in the bumbo seat holding his animals.
We drove down to starved rock Sunday to meet grandma and grandpa, thank goodness Brayden is enjoying his car rides more these days. As long as I am in the back seat with him he can be entertained.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

BUSY WEEK!!!!!!!!!

This has been one of the longest weeks of my life. Sending a child to daycare is soooo sad. I couldn't help but call and check up on him, but it doesn't make me feel too much better. The good news is that he doesn't mind being there or at least he is happy when he is there.
Brayden rolled over for the first time on Saturday night from his back to his belly!! And both of us were there to witness it.
Sunday we had his first pictures since the hospital and it was rough. It took us 3.5 hours all together and we had to go 2 times. But I think that the pictures will be really cute. I can't wait to see them. Inbetween takes he would be happy and smiley for us but had very little smiles for her!! He wore 4 different outfits and looked adorable!!!

He also found his feet this week, he is still not sure what they are there for, but he knows where to find them.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First day at daycare

Yesterday was Brayden's first day of daycare and again he did really well, better than his mom. It was my first day of work, and of course my little one decided that he would sleep in again. I woke him up before I left because I could bear the day without holding him at least for a minute. Then Donny took over. He did an excellent job, even had him asleep when he got to daycare.

I called the daycare twice throughout the day and the first time he was sleeping, which he did most of the day I guess, and the second time he was sitting in the swing, which he doesn't do at home. I guess it is normal for kids to do things for other people that they don't do for their parents, what I didn't know is that it started this early!!! Donny also talked to a few other people that are getting ready to send their kids to daycare and they also felt the same way we did; that ours needed to much attention to go to daycare. We are normal and so is Brayden I guess!!!

Donny said that Brayden found his foot for the first time last night, I missed something already!

Another new thing he is enjoying is cartoons. If he is tired he will fall asleep to cartoons! It is really cute.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Daycare :(

Oh my has it been a busy week, one that I will never want to revisit for the most part. I spent until today worrying about daycare that is starting next week. We went this morning for our first morning visit and Brayden did very well. They put on the floor with a toy over him and he did pretty good, but it was no OCTO-P. He can not bring OCTO-P with him because they don't allow outside toys in the infant room. He started to get fussy so they put him in a bouncy seat in front of one of the teachers and he fell asleep. He once again did better than his mom, this is becoming an ongoing thing I guess. Friday we will spend some more time at daycare, and also bring daddy in to say hi, and then Monday is the big day!!!

I have been playing and spending as much time with him as I can this week. He finally decided that he likes to go on walks as long as he is in just the stroller no car seat. He also loves to be outside, if he is fussy and we take him outside he snaps right out of it, as long as he is fed that is!! I made his next 6 week photo album yesterday so I will have up to date pictures of him when I go back to work. I can't believe how much he has grown and changed.

He is getting use to the carseat finally and we can take him on short trips in town without any crying at least. Maybe that will help dad's first trip to daycare on Monday not start so hard.

I think he might be getting a little cold he is sounding a little congested while sleeping, hopefully he pulls through this one quickly.