Saturday, June 27, 2015

7 months

Nolan is 7 months old today!!! I can't believe it๐Ÿ˜–!!! Time has flown by!!! He still seems like my little baby but that is fading fast!!! He is sitting up by himself and can maintain it for quite a while, he only likes cereal no other food really, he loves drinking from a sippy cup, and I think I'm going to give him Cheerios this weekend because he wants to eat everything we do!!! He doesn't really have any teeth, his two bottoms ones you can see but they are not fully through yet!! Nolan loves walks and being outside, and baths!! I think we will try swimming this weekend too!! We have all been working with Nolan to say our names, with no luck, but not too worry Brayden has already started talking for him so there is no need for him to talk!!! Lol
Brayden has adjusted so well to full time daycare, I have dropped him off for 2 full weeks without a problem!!! Yeah maybe kindergarten won't be so bad!! He writes his names all by himself now every morning just struggles with the "e"!! We are so proud of him!!! Brayden has been in swim lessons for a while now and swims pretty good he is begging to go to Hopkins Pool and go down the big water slides all by himself!!! We plan to take him soon!! He went into work with me today for just a few minutes and our X-ray tech showed him a bunch of X-rays!!! He saw most of the body and it was his favorite part!!! Brayden just started asking to ride his bike without training wheels after seeing a friend do it, unfortunately his bike is a little too big for him just yet!!!
Everything is going well here, just squeezing in as much as we can!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

So glad it's WARM

A walk here these days isn't always easy, but both my boys are happiest outside!!! A walk in the stroller for Nolan and usually a bike ride for Brayden means not walking very fast one minute and running the next!!! Brayden isn't always consistent on his bike!! Then we have to stop and pick up rocks to throw into the pond, making sure not to stop too long so Nolan doesn't get too hot!!! Usually also consists of mom or dad yelling "break, break" loudly trying to avoid a disaster!! Brayden has went over curbs, into the grass, and fallen once or twice but luckily no real disasters to date!!! I can't even bring the dog with because there are already too many things going on!!! I wish it was warm all year around!!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Wow what a week!!

Every week with a baby is a new experience!!! I remember this with Brayden but Nolan is a whole new ball game!!! He is sitting up great but has now started scooting himself about 5 ft away from where he started!! He gets his arms straight lifting his chest way off the floor!!! He can't quite get that belly off the floor still but it's not for lack of trying!! He's gonna be crawling before too long!!! He also really wants to eat real food! He is interested in everything we eat right now!!!
Brayden all of a sudden is interested in writing his name and practicing letters!! I bought flash cards and he will play all day long as long as it's under his terms and there is a lot of cheering going on!!! He went on a field trip at school this week and they didn't nap, then he came home and told us he is "practicing for kindergarten"!!! Love this boy!!! Brayden and I have had a deal when I drop him off at school if he doesn't make it difficult that we will do Legos together at night!! It has worked amazing and I was able to take him all week with no tears!!! Both my boys love their teachers and classes, we are so blessed!!! Nolan leans right to the teachers with the biggest smile on his face!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Curve Continues for Both my Babies

we went to the doctor today for Brayden's 5 year old visit and Nolan's 6 month visit!!! My first two child at one time visit!! It went well, but I could of used another pair of hands at one point!!! Brayden had to get his finger pricked and he was being so tough! He sat on the chair and showed the nurse which finger he picked!! She did it and he had alligator tears and kept telling us it hurt! At this point Nolan was asleep in my arms so there was not enough of me to cuddle him like I wanted to!! Poor baby, but he is tough!! Nolan woke up as I put him down so it was a bad start, luckily after 3 shots he stopped crying when I picked him up!!! I have tough good boys for sure!!!!
Brayden's stats: 47.5 inches (75th percentile) 49.5 pounds (91st percentile)

Nolan's stats: 27.5 inches (32nd percentile) 18 pounds 8 ounces (50th percentile)

Nolan weighs 1 pound 2 ounces less than Brayden at 6 months and is 1/2 inch shorter!!! Two big boys!!! Love them to the moon!!!

Loving the warm weather!

Nolan had his first swing ride at the park the other night, and big brother wanted in the baby swing too!! It was much easier to get in than out that's for sure!! Nolan loved the swing, he was just lounging as it was swinging!! Nolan continues to love to be outside, and loves walks and anything that involves being outdoors!! Nolan has decided that he likes cereal again, and is eating about 3 tablespoons at a time especially before bed!!! He will not eat any fruits or veggies though, this should be interesting!! I didn't think I could have a pickier child, but I might of found one!!! Nolan has been perfecting his sitting up and grabbing and holding toys!! He will hold his own toys into his mouth now and loves to play with his pacifier!!
Brayden has started talking for Nolan and tells us all of the things that he thinks Nolan is thinking!! It's sometimes hard to tell who is trying to talk for!! He acts like him and Nolan just had a talk and this is what he told him!! I can't wait for Nolan to talk back to him and see how that goes over!! Brayden learned this week that when he is out and outside he can have his shirt off, so of course I come outside and he is sitting at the table with his shift off! The kid cracks me up!! Brayden has been daddy's big helper outside, he helped him trim trees, power wash the patio, and use whatever other machine he is allowed too!!