Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I guess he needs a Bulls jersey

Brayden decided yesterday that he liked watching the Bulls on tv. He was sitting on the  couch playing with my cell phone and then heard the tv so he looked up and just stared at it for quite a while. It was great, he never sits still that long!!
Before he went to bed last night he was playing with Donny and I and just laughing and laughing. It was hilarious. He could laugh forever, and it wears him out!!! It has been so much fun watching him grow up, but way to fast, I am not ready for him to be a toddler, which I decided he won't be until he is 2. Here are a few more pictures to enjoy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brayden's First Easter

Well, another first and it's already over. Brayden did not meet the Easter Bunny with Donny and I because we thought for sure he would freak out, but I guess he liked following him around at daycare when he came in. He didn't let him touch him but he liked the way he looked. Maybe that is a good sign for next year? Brayden loved waking up to new toys and some candy he had never had before. He didn't want to much of it but when he got his hands on a peep he got a few good bites. (He must be related to my sister because I don't know any one else who likes peeps)
Brayden is still not walking, he is getting more daring by the minute but who knows with him. He will try and walk towards me and I will catch him, and ofcourse he thinks it is a game.
He is showing less interest in drinking a bottle. He is doing better drinking out of his sippy cup on his own so maybe breaking him from the bottom in June won't be so bad. I plan on getting rid of them after we transition him to real milk. Yeah!! No more cleaning bottles!

We've been working on his birthday party for a while now and it is all coming together. It is a Jungle theme. He loves giraffes so much. Hopefully he will have fun!! Here is a picture of the plates that we picked out.

Watching Daddy mow the lawn, haven't seen that machine before.

Had to trick him with a bottle to keep the hat on for a picture

He must be special no one touches the DS

What is going on, are they mine?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

He's everywhere and 11 months old!!!

Well, another interesting week. This past weekend Brayden learned to go down the stairs backwards. It took us a while, but he has it down for a few days at least. He found the kitchen cabinets and everything in them too. He has had everything out that we would let him touch. He even crawled in the smallest cabinet we have and I got a picture at the perfect time.
I went to his parent-teacher conference for daycare last week and they told me that in about 3-4 months he will be advancing to the next class where he will no longer  get bottles hopefully, sit in a normal chair to eat (no more high chairs), and sleep on cots close to the ground (no more cribs)!! I laughed at the thought of my little one sitting in a chair at a table with food in front of him. Good luck to them is all I could think!! I am not ready for my little guy to be that big!! I looked today for a little chair for him at home to practice sitting in but I didn't find a cute one, I will have to keep looking.

At 11 months Brayden Likes:
To be held only in moderation
To put himself to sleep in his crib
Food, Food, Food!!
Being in just a diaper
Toys that make noise
Cell phones and Computers
Exploring new places
Wii with Daddy
Power tools
To be scared (say BOO)
Mom and Dad (pretty shy with most other people)

At 11 months Brayden Dislikes:
Diaper changes
Being held in public places (wants to crawl around and explore)
Strangers to touch him
Being Fed
Wearing clothes
Certian foods which change with meals, he will eat it one day and not the other
Dog eating his food, especially cookies

That is my little guy right now. I can't believe that 11 months have gone by. I am soo excited to see what the next 11 months bring!! He is such a sweet little guy!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Haircut

Look you can see my ears again!!!
Well, today we had another first. Brayden's first haircut and suprisingly it went very well. It was short lived but it got cut as much as it needed to. The lady that cut his hair has cut mine for 6 years or so she was very patient with him. He sat on my lap because there was no way that I was going to place him on that seat to raise him with no seatbelt. He has to be tied down to stay in one place!! Grandma Pam came to get some pictures for us and also thought he did really well. We did not try the buzzers but we will need to soon I am sure. He looks so cute with his big boy haircut!! But he is still MY BABY!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's finally SPRING!!!

Just as we expected Brayden loves to be outside. We played outside lots and lots this past weekend and he enjoyed every second of it, even eating the mud and everything else he found on the ground. I will put some pictures up of him playing at Grandma and Grandpa's with his cousins. He doesn't really like grass to touch him but is starting to get use to it.
Brayden is continuing to stand on his own, as long as we don't make a big deal out of it he will stand for 30 seconds. When he realizes what is going on he sits down. He doesn't want anyone to think he can do it, they might stop doing it for him.
He really really needs a haircut, so we are going to make the first attempt at it tomorrow with the lady that cuts my hair. It should be interesting. I have no idea what I want it to look like, so I am hoping she knows!! I just hope he sits still long enough to finish it so it doesn't look half done. I will have to post some pictures of this process tomorrow sometime.
4 more weeks from Saturday is Brayden's first birthday party!! I can't believe how fast this year has went. I am so excited to see how is at the party, but I am not ready for him to become a toddler. He will still be my little baby for a while. I need to get to work on the party, I don't have much time left. The good news is the invitations will go out tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All Better

We went to the doctor yesterday and it looks like Brayden recovered just fine. The doctor said that I did too thanks goodness. He told me to be prepared to do this all over again maybe as early as the fall. Can't wait!! I've decided that croup is awful!
Brayden has changed so much again this week even with being sick he still picks up on things so fast. He is finally waving, he would rather wave at "Hi" rather than "Bye" though, so we have to keep that in mind. He learned to say "HI" we've been saying it to him so much. He has mastered going up the 15 stairs even with daddy. Those gates are coming, we are so excited. He has learned more words including when he really likes something he says "MOR, Mor".
Brayden is becoming quite the explorer. He is forever looking at everything in the house, or others house to see what other things he can play with. He finds things to play with that you would never think he would like. I am still hiding things in drawers for him to find.
Less than 6 weeks till his First Birthday. I can't believe how fast it has flown by! I have been working on the birthday party for a while now and should be getting the invitations this week to send out!! I can't wait to see them. Donny and I decided that we are going to take Brayden to Wisconsin Dells for his birthday so he can experience water for the first time out of the bathroom. I also think that I will start swimming lessons with him soon. He loves the big bathtub so much. He is already putting his face in the water and blowing bubbles. Nothing scares him, that is for sure.
I like Rasberries

I gotta be sick to get what I want