Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Happy Birthday Maddie"

Yesterday was cousin Maddie's birthday party!! Brayden called her in the morning and told her "Happy Birthday Maddie"!! It was so sweet, all day he was excited about the birthday party, which leads me to hoping that he has so much fun at his party this year!! Brayden and I drove to Peoria yesterday at nap time and drove back home last night. Brayden did AWESOME!! He even stayed awake all the way home. He only cried once all day and that was when his PAPA left!! One of these days PAPA is going to learn not to leave him!! He sure is PAPA's boy!!!
Brayden enjoyed playing in the girls' playroom yesterday and him and Maddie spent lots of time playing in there together, not with the same toys usually but they would sit on the rug close to one another!! It was so cute!! Then Brayden wanted to show Maddie how to ride her new bike, Maddie wanted no part of that, of course!!
Brayden is continuing to learn to count, learn his colors, and go Potty on the potty!! He is getting so big!! He says so much now and in sentences, he is always asking "What is this?" He wants to take is as much as he can!! He is an amazing little guy, and almost has mommy and daddy anxiously awaiting what he has in store for us next!!
Here are a few pictures from the party!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I scream, You scream, We all scream for ICECREAM!!!!!!!

Well, it has been a rough week in the Adams Household, we are recovering well and hoping to be back to normal in a few weeks!! Brayden is loving having both mommy and daddy home for sure, but Daddy is not loving how different Brayden is with mommy!! He is such a sweet little guy, but a handful for sure!! He has been waking up frequently in the middle of the night for who knows what reason and just wanting us to hold him!! Oh goodness, what have I done!! Brayden is repeating everything he hears now, finally he will say what I want him to say!!

 We gave him his own bowl of icecream for the first time!! He loved it, we had a hard time getting it away from him!! He didn't really good eating it, but it would of taken him forever to finish!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Well, since the last blog post Brayden is feeling better, but Donny on the other hand is still trying to figure out what is going on with him. We are hoping that over the next few days we will have some answers with what is going on with him. His pain is better at least. Brayden is TALKING up a storm and learning new things hourly. It is amazing to me that he can catch so many things that I just causually say in a conversation.
He is getting really good at throwing things and getting mad, but is quick to calm down and say "I sorry". He is very easy to forgive too!!
I am praying for nice weather to come soon, because to only be outside for a few minutes at a time is getting old, plus we have lots of birthday parties coming up and we would rather be outside. We have been planning his party, and he chose MICKEY MOUSE, no suprise there! I am having a lot of fun getting things going for it, but let me tell you that last years party took a lot more time. We have not even decided what we will get him for his birthday yet!! Good thing we have 3 more weeks or so!!
Here are a few pictures of Brayden saying CHEESE for the camera, he loves when I get the camera out!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Only 1 more month of 1 Year Old!!

Well, the past week have tested our television and computer necesity and we all passed, not by choice, but we were forced. We had no internet or cable for a week, due to a surveyor cutting the line when digging a hold to find the land line for house behind us!! It was rough at times, but thank goodness it was decent outside!! 
The basement is coming along well, the framing is pretty much done, but it is taking its toll on Donny!! Both him and Brayden ended up sick this weekend. This is only second time in 9.5 years I have seen Donny with a fever of 102.4. Brayden just had his round of CROUP for the season change, but got through it like a champ!!
This weekend we went to the pharmacy and they asked his birthday. He from that moment on sang "Happy Birthday to me, me, me me me me" over and over again!! He also decided he was going to be "2" finally after working on this for weeks!! He is such a funny kid, he puts things together so well and loves when he makes us laugh!! I can't wait to see what the next month brings us, and even more what the next year will bring us!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Well, the past week have tested our television and computer necesity and we all passed, not by choice, but we were forced. We had no internet or cable for a week, due to a surveyor cutting the line when digging a hold to find the land line for house behind us!! It was rough at times, but thank goodness it was decent outside!! 
The basement is coming along well, the framing is pretty much done, but it is taking its toll on Donny!! Both him and Brayden ended up sick this weekend. This is only second time in 9.5 years I have seen Donny with a fever of 102.4. Brayden just had his round of CROUP for the season change, but got through it like a champ!!
This weekend we went to the pharmacy and they asked his birthday. He from that moment on sang "Happy Birthday to me, me, me me me me" over and over again!! He also decided he was going to be "2" finally after working on this for weeks!! He is such a funny kid, he puts things together so well and loves when he makes us laugh!! I can't wait to see what the next month brings us, and even more what the next year will bring us!!