Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Little Cupcake

I guess Brayden's Grandma Pam likes cupcakes for our little one. This is his second cupcake, but I am calling it his first because I wasn't around for the first one. Daddy says no more cupcakes till his birthday.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another MD Visit

Well, we went to the doctor today and it went well as usual. We left with the comments of:
"he sure must like his food" and "He is growing well as usual"
His lastest stats were:
50th percentile for head
22 pounds 7 ounces- 75th percentile
30 inches long- 95th percentile
He is still growing with the curve so no complaints from the MD this time. His Iron level was a little low so that want us to increase the amount of iron rich foods that we are giving him and see if that helps. The best part was NO SHOTS today, just the heel prick which he didn't mind. They let me hold him for as much of his exam as possible so it was pretty easy for him.
This week he is mastering the art of pulling himself up on everything. He is going from one toy to another while standing and not falling, but sure is making mommy anxious. Everyone tells me to get use to it. He is reminding me of BAM BAM more and more every day. He can throw anything even the ride on toys and he uses a bat he got for Christmas to hit everything!!! Next year for Halloween he will be BAM BAM I guess.
He loves to watch daddy play Wii and eat his cookies while daddy eats his own cookies. He thinks he is so big.
The other nights while I was at work Brayden found the dogs water bowl and dumped it everywhere, he was soaked afterwards!!! Well, here are a few pictures from the last week.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Almost 9 months

Tomorrow Brayden will be 9 months old. I can't believe it. I look at him and can't believe that he can do all of the things that he can do and it all happened in just 9 months. He is becoming such his own person. He gets mads at things, has no fears, and soo many things make him laugh. He got him first bump on his head Sunday. I took pictures ofcourse, but it was soo sad!! He bumped his head and then got mad because it kept him from getting to what he wanted fast enough! He is pulling himself up on things all over the house now and even tries to get from one toy to another without sitting down.

At 9 months old he loves:
Real food, well all food really
the Dog
Mom and Dad
the Camera (if we get the camera out he smiles automatically)
Looking outside
Crawling around anywhere he wants to go
His Blanket
Mom and Dad's cell phones
the Laptop

At 9 months old he dislikes:
Changing or putting on clothes
Changing his diaper
Being told "No"
Not being picked up when he wants to be
Winter coats
Car rides if Mom is not in the back seat with him

Last weekend we had his 9 month pictures taken, they were definately easier than the last ones, but she now has to be fast because he doesn't have to wait around. We did them at our house again, some in the hearth room, some in his room, and some outside. I think he wore 4 different outfits and used some of his favorite toys for props. Anything to keep him happy!!

My first bump on my head!

Trying to be tricky
I see it

What ya going to do now???

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

They just keep coming

Teeth that is..... Today Brayden woke up with yet another tooth, the 4th one on the bottom, which makes 8 teeth now!! I am guessing at this point that he was given all these teeth because of how much he likes real food. Every time Donny or I go to the kitchen he quickly arrives after us waiting to see what the next food item he will get will be. He would not drink bottles anymore for food if it was up to him. He is doing sooo good going out to eat as long as their is food involved. He loves food and will eat pretty much anything!!!

We took him to a Superbowl Party on Sunday night at a friends house, and he was starting to get a little fussy until a little boy came who is 14 months. I think he would of stayed awake as long as all of the kids stayed. He was soo happy with other little friends. He likes having people around with alot of commotion.

We had a huge snow storm last week which kept Brayden and I inside for a few days, but it didn't stop Daddy thank goodness. He took on all of the snow once it stopped snowing! I put a few pictures up of our house and yard. Brayden didn't play in the snow this time since he didn't like it to touch him last time.

Brayden's grandma Pam babysat today for a few hourse so I didn't have to take him to work with me and gave him his first of many cupcakes!!! The best part was he loved it, which we knew he would!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Sledding Attempt

I took Brayden outside to play in the snow while the weather was somewhat warm. He loved to be pulled around on his sled, but didn't like snow to touch his skin at all!!! We only made it outside for a few minutes. Brayden's cousins came over to play with him, unfortunately it was short lived.
We also went to a first birthday party this weekend and it was so hard to imagine that in less than 4 months my little guy is going to be 1!!! He is already getting so big, and more independent!! I guess it is time to get use to it a little but it isn't going to change. He is a fast little crawler already. We were at Grandma Pam's house on Sunday and he made it up the 1 step from the living room into the kitchen. He was so proud of himself he showed us he could do it at least 10 times. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to understand down the step at all and tries to go face first every time. His grandma was on the floor crawling with him, and it was sooo cute, Brayden would clap for her too just like we do for him. He is already watching and learning so much from us!!!
Daycare is telling us this week that he gets mad when the kids at school get to eat realy food and he gets baby food, so I guess it is time to start him on some meat so he can eat real food too. Bryaden got his 7th tooth last Thursday, so teeth shouldn't be a problem, and I think he still has a few more coming!!!
Here are a few pictures from the last week:

Finally trying his sippy cup for mommy

Gonna be just like daddy!!

He was not sure what he was in for

He loves his sled

He doesn't like snow to touch his face, oooopps!!!