Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Nolan and Happy Thanksgivibg

Well my little baby is not such a baby anymore I guess!!! I am not ready to admit it though!!!! He turned 1 yesterday and had such a great day!!! He loved the new toys and the cake, which you will see was a huge success!!! He's had a cough sometimes sounds croupy sometimes congested but no temps and sleeping well at night so I'm guessing it's something viral!!! Nolan is very particular when it comes to who holds him and is pretty much just daddy and mommy!! He went to papa for a minute and Aunt Karshawn got him for a minute twice but that's about all!!! He loves his brother and other kids a ton too!!! He is not walking yet and really would prefer to be held still!!  We have been trying to get away from bottles and so far are good through the day but he wants one when he wakes up and at bedtime!!!! He likes sippy cups but they go to fast when he's tired!!! He still loves to eat but still has just 2 teeth but some how manages to chew up anything!!! Hoping his teeth come soon so he doesn't get bored with food!!! He starts in the toddler room Monday!! He loved it during his trial!!! He is transitioning with a friend so that has helped!! I have looked at his pictures from a year ago and can't believe how much he has changed!! Enjoy some pictures from his party!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Almost 1!!!

Well time is flying by for sure!!! We have just about made it through Nolan's first year!!! We started weaning him to whole milk and will be all done with bottles by the end of the week!!! Luckily he is leading us in stopping bottles by liking real food so much!!! He got a bad diaper rash this week and it is finally getting better thankfully!!! He also starts his transition to the next room at daycare next week, one of his friends is moving with him and they are very interested in playing with all the new toys so it should be interesting!! He is still very attached to his mommy and would prefer that I be holding him or right next to him every moment he is awake!! Nolan is also starting to not like me leaving him at daycare!! He quiets down quick and mommy is having to toughen up quick!!!
Brayden was dying for the first snowfall so he was in heaven Saturday as the snow came for 24 hours!!! He thought that snow meant Christmas was here!!Well he soon realized it wasn't Cgristmas but he could still play in the snow so it all worked out!! We have been planning his kindergarten winter party and decided on the theme of "The Grinch"!!! Since I was the only mom with any desire to be the room mom I was chosen to be it!!! Oh well I will enjoy it either way!! Luckily my job will allow!!! Brayden is starting to sound out words and beginning to be interested in reading!!! We are so excited to see what he learns everyday when he comes home from school!! He shows us something new everyday!!!! Kindergarten teachers are amazing!!!!