Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Still waiting....

Brayden is getting so big!! He is still not crawling, but he is still trying. We think that he is getting 4 more teeth, but has been doing pretty good so far. Brayden is still loving his real food time. He will sit in his highchair as long as food keeps coming. He likes to play with his spoon and see if he can get it to his mouth like we do, sometimes it works!! We are trying new food and he is loving everything of course. He is now starting to prefer real food not baby food. We have been practicing using a sippy cup, but haven't had much luck yet, he would rather drink out of our water bottle!

His new thing is pulling himself up on things. He can go from sitting on our lap to standing at one of his toys!! He is also always wanting to hug Donny and I all the time. He will be playing with a toy and all of sudden come to us and give us a big hug!! We love it!!! He is such a sweet little thing.
We have been playing with all of his toys from Christmas and they entertain him for much longer at at time, it has been nice. We have also been practicing his sleeping through the night after a few nights of getting up every 20 minutes for a few hours. He unfortunately had to cry a little!! It was sooo hard for me, and Donny slept right through it of course!!!!
I did it!

Loving my new boots!

Daddy dresses me just like him!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!!! As you can see below Brayden was not forgotten for his first Christmas. He got so many things. He got tons of toys, I have a picture of some of them but a few were forgotten because I hadn't unpacked everything yet. He is loving seeing so many new toys to play with. Donny and I are enjoying him being more entertained too. Brayden did not really get into Christmas this year he didn't really participate in opening presents, but we are getting ready for next year.
Here are a few pictures of our holiday:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Look at me....

It's so funny how quick things change. This week Brayden is up on his hands and knees all the time, he hasn't quite figured out how to do move from there, but I am sure that that is coming. He is sliding backwards now every chance he gets.
He unwrapped his first Christmas present yesterday and we were not here to see it, but Grandma said it took forever because all he wanted was the bows and paper. I do think he was pleasantly surprised at what was inside too.
He is starting to entertain himself on the floor and is much more content. He can go from sitting to laying on his stomach gracefully now. You will see below that he has been practicing!!
He is sooo smiley. All we have to do is make a funny noise, dance around, or sing a song and he is smiling and laughing. He does that belly laugh really loud now and it is precious. We are having so much fun with him now.
I do like the bathroom sink
I got it finally
WOW that was hard work, time for a nap!!!
I like to have all my toys around me

Still liking my food!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So Brayden started saying MA over the last few days and since he has been saying Da, Da for so long I was sooo excited. The best part is when he says MA he yells it like he is mad. He is soo young for this what am I in for? I guess I should just get use to him running the show, because it is enevitable.
Daycare says that he is scooting around backwards all over the place there, he is not doing that so much at home, here he just keeps turning in circles then gets mad because he can't have what he wants or get to where he wants to be.

The last two nights Brayden has slept really well which is so exciting. I am so use to a little sleep that I have woke up at 3:30 each night wide awake. Yeah, I am so excited and will take advantage of it as long as it lasts because I am sure that it won't last forever.

I started wrapping presents this past weekend and Brayden could care less about the presents, Christmas should be interesting. I can only imagine how many presents he will have to open and him not wanting any part of it. We will soon see how his first Christmas goes!! I am so excited. I had left a roll of wrapping paper in the living room the other day and when I came downstairs I found Brayden with the roll of paper and he had ripped some and unrolled some and Donny was laughing. Good thing I came down when I did or we would of had a mess!!!
I love Sophie
This is what I do when it is just me and Daddy
My favorite picture from his 6 month

Look at me, I wash my own face already!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

All I want for Christmas.....

Brayden is getting so big, so big that he is ready to crawl around. He wants to be mobile so bad he doesn't know what to do sometimes. He doesn't want to be held, he doesn't want to be put down, in other words he doesn't want anything sometimes!!!! Thank goodness for the exer-saucer and jumper-roo toy. I am sure that all he wants from Santa is to crawl!!!!

He is trying to crawl, he can get up on all fours but doesn't maintain it to long, so it is all coming I'm sure. I keep trying to get a picture of him but I am not fast enough or the dog walks in front of the camera.

Brayden has decided this week that solid food is sooo good. He loves cheerios, this week we gave him a little macaroni and also some peas. He has been practicing picking things up and getting them to his mouth and is doing much better.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Oh my goodness!! He loves to be outside so much that I got him all dressed up in his snow suit and took him outside when Donny was snow blowing. He didn't' really care at all after all that.

We also found his 6th tooth yesterday, luckily for us it was much easier to cut the other one. No Temps!!! Here are a few pictures of him playing in the snow.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Cheerios

First time Brayden tried Cheerios was a success. He loves them. He will sit in his highchair for 45 minutes as long as we give him a cheerios every now and then. He gets so excited. It is hilarious. Donny decided that we can actually take him to a restaurant now because he will sit in the highchair happy as long as we have food for him. We tried a rice snack too and they dissolve quick but it made mom nervous because with all of his teeth he can bite pieces off way to easily.

We woke up Saturday morning and were not suppose to be at home for Brayden's first snow storm, but we were not able to go to Minnesota so we were. He just stared out the window trying to figure out what was happening out there. He watched the dog go outside and run around and then couldn't wait to touch him after wards.