Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sooo much going on!!

I can't keep up all the time there is so much going on around here!! The boys, our family, school, and work just to get started!!! Nolan is a 21.5 month old that knows what he wants, wants to be busy every moment he is awake, and prefers to be outside!!! He can throw a back arching fit with the best of them and then 2 seconds later be sweet and cuddly in my arms!!! He talks amazing and is able to communicate his desires most of the time!! He is such a sweet boy that needs mommy all of the time that I am not working, which I need to remember he will only be little for a short time and enjoy it will I can!!! Most nights I still get to hold him till he falls asleep!! Nolan is shorter than Brayden was!! He can still wear 18 month clothes and we are not sure 2T is in his future!!! 
Brayden is playing soccer, a yellow belt in Ninja class, getting ready to start basketball, and looking for more to do!' His school has decided that homework will not be sent home this year and READING will be the project!!! Since he started first grade not even three weeks ago reading has clicked!!! He reads me books every night!! It's amazing to watch his grow up!! He seems to like school, he loves all extracurricular activities and playing with his friends!!! 
I am working on opening my third convenient care and been stressed out and working on leaving it at work!! I go through phases but need to get better and enjoy my time with family when I can!!!
We have been so lucky with the weather we even snuck out to the huge water park on the last day they were open to see how it wAs!!! It was great all around!! We can't wait to go back next year and maybe get season passes!!! Here are some random pictures of my kiddos!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Time flew by this summer!!?!!

Summer is over, schools back in session!! I officially have a first grader and Nolan is in the 2 year old room!! Brayden jumped right back into his school routine with his only complaint being he wants to come straight home after school!! I wish we could make it work but do it one day a week for now!!! Nolan adjusted to his new room without missing a beat! He loves his new teacher and drop off have been so far so good!!! Praying to keep it that way!!! 
Donny and I took a few days off to hang with Brayden before school started and it was much enjoyed!! We took his best friend William and him to SkyZone and a water park one day!! Brayden misses his preschool friends!!! He still sees them at soccer and Ninja class!! Brayden moved up to a yellow belt in ninja class last week and he had his first class and loved it!! He's been wearing his headband all week!!! Mrs. Prellwitz is Brayden's teacher and she seems great and we have heard good things about her too!!! We heard yesterday that Brayden's principal doesn't believe in homework at such a young age so just reading for us at home!!! Brayden's best friend Erra is in his class again this year and his mom is the new librarian!!! Another familiar eyes watching over him!!! Looking forward to a great year!!
Nolan is now 21 months old!! He's getting so big and acting bigger!! He's becoming Mr.Independent and talking so well!!! He uses words more often than not to tell us what he wants! He finally got his fourth tooth on the bottom to break through and now we are just waiting on his I-teeth and two year old molars!! He must be the slowest teether ever!!!
We had a great summer, got to spend lots of time with the kids and no lots of fun things!!