Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dunkin his Oreos

Daddy taught Brayden to dunk his Oreos in milk!! This was a messy adventure, but created a few good laughs for us!! He learned to drink out of a mug, but only used one hand because there was only 1 handle!! Makes sense I guess!! He had oreo everywhere, and milk everywhere else, but he enjoyed it and sometimes a mess comes with that!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cooking with the Kitchen Aid

I never used the kitchen aid really, well until this week. I have used in twice in two days because it sure does make baking with a toddler much easier. I got it out last night because I was cooking dinner and trying to entertain him at the same time and it went pretty good. Since it does the stirring I don't have to do much but keep an eye that things don't go flying!!Don't get me wrong we still had a huge mess but at least it was just over the island and not the entire kitchen!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


We took Brayden to Corn Fest and were very anxious about how he would do. The last time we showed him rides was Dec 2011, and he cried till we left the area at the Mall of America!! We went hoping he would like it, we talked about it all week and something changed for sure!! He had so much fun!! Ofcourse the first ride he saw was the cars, and he had to go on it, and they wouldn't let parents on this one, so we were anxiously awaitng him screaming to get off! Thanks goodness he didn't scream at all, or undo his seatbelt and fall out!! He rode around in circles and wouldn't even wave to us while going around!! Little stinker!! He is getting so big!! He rode 4 different rides and the cars were his favorite as you will be able to tell in the pictures!!
 Here are some pictures of him, kind of hard to capture the fun but we tried!!!

Painting his new Fort!!

The new furtniture got here this week, and daddy saved one of the boxes for a fort!! We started by painting it, fingerpaints at first, then I gave him a brush. Brayden still ended up painted all over his legs, but he had fun and that is what matters!!!
We taught Brayden how to give back rubs this week, so he makes us lay on the floor and he rubs our back!! Love it!!
He is becoming quite the little helper, mostly with daddy's stuff because it is more fun, but he likes to help with dinner if I cook that is, he likes to vaccuum, or have a touch of anything we are doing.
He is finally walking with us and staying with us instead of running the other way, he doesn't always want to be held and wants to be LITTLE MISTER INDEPENDENT!!
Some one must of told him trees are to climb, he wants to climb our tree in the back yard everytime we are out there, I put him up in the tree and he loved it, he loves being taller than mommy!! He is also getting into hanging on things, like he doesn't just go down the slide anymore, he hangs on the bar that goes across it first, and he can hold himself for a few seconds anyway!! He continues to be very verbal and tells us everything he wants, needs, and likes.... Sometimes the best answer is to laugh!! He is crying to get his point across less and less so that is a good thing!!
He loves our new furniture, and sometimes just sits in one of the chairs, and says "This my chair"!! Donny sent him to his room this week because he was mad, and wouldn't stop so he took his blanket and went upstairs and made sure to tell us "I like it upstairs" in the process!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gotta Love this Little Guy!!

 Not sure where he comes up with things, but they come out of no where. This week we were buying a present for a friend and I asked him what he wanted to get her. The little girl was just about 3 months older than him, and he told me a "Race Car", I told him that girls don't like race cars, and he said "It can  be PINK"!! I guess he knows that girls like pink!! We bought her a pink car!! Poor little girl!!
Brayden and his match box cars, he loves them, he can't get enough and he remembers how many he brings with him,  because he doesn't leave the house without them, and hhas to make sure he comes home with the same amount. He got 15 new ones last week and I am positive he will be counting higher soon to count them all and make sure he has them all!! He washes them, they bathe with him, he would sleep with them if I didn't think one would fall out of his crib and he would wake up looking for it  mad because he didn't know where it was!! We have been able to avoid it so far at least!!
Brayden can now reach the light switches, so he is not yelling at us to turn on the lights anymore!! Yeah a little more independence he thinks, but now we are following him and turning off lights!!
Brayden stayed at grandma's one day this week during the day and was such a good boy. She said he woke up from his nap and told her he dreamed about cookies and candy!! Oh they must of been good dreams!! He came home that night with tons of energy and a very happy baby!! So glad he loves grandmas and she loves to have him!! They are a pair!!
He continues to be a busy little guy, but communicates what he wants and needs  so well!! He has started liking pizza again, so he is telling us what he wants for dinner now too, oh goodness!! We have been working on him asking for help instead of getting mad, and he is catching on with that quickly!!!
I am telling you, you gotta love this little guy!!! You never know what you are going to get!!!!

 I put him in underwear, and he thought it was cool, but peed in them and didn't care, so potty training will be waiting a little while I think!!
 A new love of chasing his shadown, it is so funny!!
 First time he rode in a ride and liked it, I guess we will be going to the carnival this weekend!!

 New favorite thing, is to carry a back pack!! He feels cool. Also crossing his arms, his newest cool thing!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

See ya in the morning...

Brayden is repeating things that we say to him, in an appropriate way, and I love it. I put him to bed and ofcourse he doesn't want me to hold him, just place him in his bed and say "See ya in the morning, and I love you"! Now when he shifts to go into his bed he says it to me, he makes sure that he gets it out before I do!! They can pick up anything!!  The good news is he slept all night last night, only the second time in almost 2 weeks!
Oh yeah, and how at 2 do they have such a good memory? He remembers toys at a store that he played with 2 weeks ago, he remembers that the car cart is yellow at Menards, he remembers there is a cardboard bus at walmart and exactly where it was. Too bad he can't remember where I put things, unless it is a snack food ofcourse, he does remember those.
I have been trying to get him ready to potty train, and he is not really into right now. I am on vacation in September for 2 weeks and I was going to keep him home from day care and potty train but thos plans might be changed because I don't want to fight him. He loves M&M's and I bought them only for using the potty, but he just decides he will have a different snack. Little stinker!!!

He is learning from his parents, and loves to shop!! He picks up a basket and walks around with it, he even puts stuff in it then struggles to carry it!!