Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To the doctor

This is a picture of my little man at the doctors office sitting on the table. He never wants any part of that table except to climb on and get right off and do it again. Yesterday he wanted to sit up there like a big boy! I took him to the  doctor because he had fever for 4 days not too high  but consistent, he wasn't sleeping and he had a cough!! Come to find out it was an ear infection in his right ear!! We started antibiotics and he seems to be doing better already, at least with sleeping!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's been a week....

And my little man has completely forgotten that he has ever needed a pacifier!! I am so proud of him, it has been kind of a rough couple of days but he is a trooper and pushed through!! He had to come home from daycare on Friday because he had a temperature and has been fighting a fever on and off ever since!! Except for not eating he hasn't really let things bother him though!! He had his first milkshake today and loved it!! Sweet tea has also been keeping him hydrated!! I refuse to let him get dehydrated!! He has been his playful silly self!! Yesterday we were reading a Mickey book and he started saying "OH Toodles" It is so cute to hear it come from his mouth!!

We have officially started our adventure into finishing the basement and Brayden is going to be a little handy man just like his dad!! He loves to play down stairs and is always looking for a new adventure down there!! We are slowly moving toys down there to keep his attention and are continuously looking for new things for him to do!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

He Grew Since Yesterday!

I thought that as they got older that their growing slowed down a little. I went to work yesterday morning and came home last night and I swear he got bigger. Now maybe a little is my imagination because so much has changed in the last few days like he quit using his pacifier, doesn't even ask for it anymore, he went up to the next room in daycare, he started being able to put puzzles together all by himself, he eats sitting at the table not in his high chair, and he started to talk even more than before including couting to 3!! Maybe all of those things and more make me think that he looks bigger and older....

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Brayden went all day without his pacifier and I just put him to bed for the first time without it!! I have been so ready to get rid of it for a while now, but kept finding reasons to put it off! Today for some reason I just decided to go for it and suprisingly enough it went pretty good!! He asked for it a few times but got over it pretty quick, he was also a little fussy, but I expected that!! After putting him to bed though I came downstairs, and Donny was gone playing cards, so it was just me and I am just sitting here thinking how far he has came in the last 20 months and that this is just one more step in growing up and I am so not ready for that!! Donny told me last week that I can not stop his progression so here goes!!!


Well with our most current snow storm I was excited to have Brayden explore in the snow, well it was short and sweet and no one really had a chance to get cold!! He didn't make it much past the garage or into snow pants!!!! 

Brayden enjoys new things right now!! He was in his room playing and saw a train that Donny's grandpa had made a few years ago and had to have it!! Both of his nephews spent many hours playing with this train so we knew someday he would want it!! I brought it down and he played and played!!


We are going to start weening Brayden from his pacifier!! Today is the first real day and so far so good, he made it down for his nap without having it at all!! He woke up without it in his mouth so I figured today is the day!! We went and got his haircut and he still didn't need it!! Yeah!! He has taught me one thing as nice as they can be when they are babies it is hard to try and take them away!! Here we go on our next journey!! Wish us luck!! 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mr. Fix it!!

Donny has been working on getting the basement ready to be finished and he has a Little Helper!!! Brayden loves to use tools, he loves his tool set, and to help daddy do any kind of work!! We are starting the long process to finishing the basement and Brayden is going to be Donny's number 1 guy I think!! Lucky daddy!!
Brayden's new things for 20 months old is climbing ladders or things that we are suppose to climb, he is counting now, he is saying a new word every hour, and he actually investigates things to see how they work! It is so cute because you can just see his little brain working!!
Brayden is moving up to the next room at daycare, which I was nervous about of course, but they assured me that he is ready!! He seems to have enjoyed his time there so far, one day this week they put dinosaurs in his pocket and he thought that was the coolest thing until today when they gave him a hammer to break cookies into pieces and let him eat one in the morning!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


POCKETS, POCKETS are his new favorite things, he looks for pockets in his shirts, coats, jackets, pants, and if they have pockets he likes them more!! I think that he realizes when his hands are cold they will get warmer if they are in his pockets!! Pretty soon he will be hiding things from us in his pockets, more to come I am sure!

Can I call him Baby Brayden forever?

Well another week went by and once again I notice myself with a BIGGER, OLDER, MORE RESOURCEFUL LITTLE GUY!! We have been working on his telling us what he wants, not just crying or getting mad. We are making him talk alot more, and he doesn't always like it, but hopefully soon he will get use to it!!
He loves to play with his toys, all of his toys, he needs lots of them because he goes from one to the next to the next. Donny and I are feeling claustrophobic in our own house because of all of his toys!!