Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas Festivities

It was a super busy season for us!! Christmas is over, was so much fun, and the boys got everything they wanted/needed and much much more!!! It's been a week since the first presents were opened and we still have lots of toys in boxes!!! We open boxes daily which so far is keeping the kids attention!!!  Brayden got sport stuff, and clothes (sports clothes mostly), and loves everything!! He also got an array of board games which is keeping our attention and Nolan likes games too!! Brayden gets mad when Nolan doesn't play the right way, or cheats!!! Lol!!
Nolan got Mickey Mouse stuff, vetch train stuff, and a little bit everything!!! He also got some underwear in his stocking and he is exercising his 2 year old rights to wear them!!! He does great, but takes a lot of prompting and watch out if he has to poop!!! Never a dull moment around here!!
We don't have anything planned for New Years so we will just see where the day takes us!!!
We had quite a bit of snow already and the boys loved playing outside for about 15 minutes!! Brayden is ready for summer and Nolan loves his winter gear!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Getting ready for Christmas

Christmas is coming in 14 days to be exact!!! It is coming so much faster than I am ready for!!! My shopping is just about done, but my wrapping is far behind, well really it has started minus buying wrapping paper!!! We went to Nolan's Christmas open house Friday and listened to a few songs, decorated some Christmas trees with stickers, and frosted cookies!!! Saturday we went to Waterman rode the train to see the lights and had some hot chocolate and fudge!!! We also got a picture with Santa and the kids told him what they wanted for Christmas. Brayden said he wanted sports stuff and Nolan was all about Mickey Mouse! After time outside we went out to dinner at a restraunt and had an uneventful dinner!!!! I love this time of year!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Snowing...The first snow of the season

It's been a rough week or so at our house!! Nolan was sick last week, I had a cold all week with no voice, and then came Brayden!!! I am hoping we are all on the mend and starting a healthy rest of the winter!!! Nolan got his first IPad this week and he seems to like it but not as much as he likes Brayden's!!! Lol kids!!! 
Brayden had his last basketball game of the season yesterday, he did great!! They all got trophies and certificates!! It was so cute to watch and everyone of the kids improved so much!!! Brayden starts basketball and soccer in January, so I am looking forward to 6 weeks of rest with just ninja!!!