Sunday, June 30, 2013

Well, he just keeps getting SILLIER...

This little boy cracks me up!!! He loves to pretend and pretends to be whatever he likes at the moment. Sometimes he is a dog, an autobot, even a decepticon!! He loves to give me his really cheesy smile and to see the picture afterwards!
Grandma Pam has been in the hospital for a week and we have been up to see her quite a few times, now we drive by the hospital and he says lets go to see Grandma at her new hospital!! He also told us, "Give her a bandaid and she will be all better"!! I just love his innocence!!
Here are a few pictures of our silly little man...

He asked for cookies for breakfast, and I actually gave them to him, he took a bite out of both, making sure I wouldn't take them back, and just stared at them!! He couldn't believe it!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Another First.....

Last night we took Brayden to see Monsters University!! His first movie at the theater!! He loved the idea of it and he did really good for most of the movie!! At one point he said out loud "I need to go potty, poopy now"!! We laughed and so did everyone else in the theater!! We have not been to a movie in a long time and had forgotten how many previews they really have at the beginning, I think next time we will show up 10 minutes late and maybe we will miss some of the previews! He loved the popcorn and candy too!! We ended up leaving about 10 minutes before the movie ended because Brayden was getting a little fidgety!! Overall we considered it a success!! Another first under his belt!! Year number three is going to be full of FIRSTS I think!! Lucky little guy!!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

He can do it "ALL BY HIMSELF"

Well at 3 years old I have already seen a whole different kid!! I am not sure how things can change so quickly but once again they have!! He sure is independent in everything he does including now he can and does go to the bathroom all by himself!!! He won't even let you watch him sometimes!! He knows what he wants to play and when he wants to do it. There is no hope in changing his mind!! I guess it is a good thing, but I am still adjusting.
He is really into Transformers and makes up little games to play all the time to find the DECEPTICONS (those are the bad transformers, I think). He got a battery operated squirt gun this week and he loves, he chases everything with it!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hot enough for water...finally!

Brayden decided last week that he needed a slip-n-slide!! We went and got one today and when we got it home he didn't want much to do with it!! He doesn't like COLD water!!! He also doesn't like to be wet!! He loves to swim in a pool though!! Not sure about this kid!! All he talks about is the ocean, the dells, and going to the pool!! Should be interesting!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Park, Picnic, Icecream with Cousins

It is usually a challenge to keep 5 kids busy and having fun for me at least. Today Grandma and I had 5 kids for most of the afternoon and they were soo good!! They played and played, were all nice to each other and got along GREAT!!!! It was so much fun, and to make it even better on the way home Brayden fell asleep!!! Nap time =mommy time!!! Picnic in the park of McDonalds of course, was a success, they all ate at the same time and a good amount!! Ice cream after playing at the park for a hours to cool them off!! We had a great time!! Thanks kiddos!! You will be able to see it is quite a feat to get all 5 kids in one picture!! But I did it!!