Friday, December 30, 2011

You want to talk about two different KIDS!!

Well this week Brayden and I got to spend time with a precious little girl!! For a few hours her parents trusted us to watch her and we had so much fun!! I learned a few things!!
Boys have louder toys, talk louder, want what they want, and find much more scary ways to play with toys and things. Brayden's idea of fun was way different that Alexis!!
Alexis is sweet, quiet, plays pretend, cares for babies and all of the things my little guy would be bored with!!
What a difference they are!! Brayden is 3.5 months younger, he weighs more, and is about 2 inches taller!!
They do have some similarities like they both ate lunch on normal chairs at the table and are too big for highchairs, they eat about the same food, which doesn't include many, and they both love cell phones. Although I have not see a little one under two that can navigate an i-phone like Alexis can. Pretty impressive!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas at Home!!

Well, still to this day I am not sure who was most excited about Christmas!! I was up an hour before everyone and showered and ready for the day before Brayden got up. I had the camera and video camera out and Donny knew his role as well as I knew mine!! Brayden didn't know what to do when we came down the stairs and saw all of the presents under the tree and the train table all put together!! I finally put him down and he ran right to the train table!! I can't blame him because it turned out awesome!! I finally coaxed him away with some presents to unwrap but multiple times throughout our hour of unwrapping he went back to the train table!! It was great to see him so happy, and love his stuff so much!! It is amazing to me that so much has changed since last Christmas!! This one was so much more fun!!

Well overall we had an amazing Christmas. We are so lucky to have such amazing family to spend the holidays with!! Brayden got everything and more!! This picture doesn't even show it all! He also got a table and chairs, a grill, a desk, and I am sure I am missing other stuff!! It looks like we have alot of playing to do!!!

Christmas Take Two with the families...

Christmas started on the night before Christmas Eve this year because I had to work on Christmas Eve!! We had it at our house, and it went well!! All about the three little ones!! It was perfect!! We even opened presents first because I didn't leave enough time for dinner to get done!! Oh well, I will get better at that! Brayden opened one present before everyone got there, and I knew right then that it was going to be a great Christmas, and it was!! My little munchkin had so much fun!!!
 Christmas with Donny's Family:

Christmas with my side of the family!!

We went to my parents on Christmas Day, we got to see alot of family that we hadn't seen in a while so that was nice!! Unfortunately we couldn't stay too long because we had a busy week!! Once again Christmas at my mom and dad's was all about the kids!! They just ran around eating junk food and whatever else they found and had a great day!! Brayden got some really good presents this year, so many they are still not all opened!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What happened to NEW WORDS??

What happened to Brayden learning New Words?? He no longer talks in words, he talks in sentences!! It is amazing to me that he puts 3-4 or more words together to tell us what he wants!! We can not always tell what exactly he is saying, but he sure does speak clearly a good portion of the time!! Today he told me
 "I need my paci ma"
"It's snowing in here"
"Can't find my mama"
"This one is mine"
and many more that I can't think of right now!!

We got a package in the mail today and it had packing peanuts in it. Brayden woke up from his nap and found them and dumped them out all over the living room, he thought that it was snowing!! It was hilarious!! He thought it was so much fun, and ofcourse I let him do his share of playing with them before we picked them all up and threw them out!!

Loves Watching TV...

Brayden has, in the last few months, became addicted to television!! I found him sitting on the couch Sunday with his hands folded, he looked so sweet, just watching whatever was on the TV!!


We are so excited to see how the next few weeks go. We have so many fun things planned for Brayden and he has no clue!! He has Christmas celebrations starting Friday, then twice on Sunday. On Monday he will be home with daddy all day playing with all of his new toys!!  On Wednesday we are going to go to a friends house to watch another little girl his age, so he will have a friend to play with!! Then on Friday we leave for The Dells with a bunch of friends and we don't come home till Sunday!! A fun filled weekend of water parks and all kinds of play time!!! It is going to be hard to keep up with this much fun for the rest of the winter!! I can't wait to see his face on Christmas morning when there are presents under the tree and a train table in the living room!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Big Tough Guy

Brayden has learned to love to wrestle. If you are sitting on the floor he will run up to you and knock you over with his body!! He also loves to pick things up and move them around especially when they are bigger then him. We will need to teach him to show his muscles I think that could be my plan for this week!!
It snowed Friday night and Brayden really didn't want anything to do with it except to sit at the window with the blinds up and wave. Maybe I won't have to spend so much time in the snow after all!! Sounds good to me.
Brayden's cousin Trevor came over to play last night, and they had so much fun!! Brayden loves to play with other kids no matter the age!! We are going to Wisconsin Dells for New Years Eve for two nights with 4 other families all with kids so it should be a blast!! I can't wait!
Brayden is starting to say anything, he is picking up on words randomly and saying them at another time so we are spending quite a bit of time trying to figure out what exactly he is saying!! He is the  most talkative at daycare and picking up new things all the time.