Friday, October 28, 2016

He is talking away...

They have told me at preschool since he started talking that is was early and advancing quick, but at just over 5 weeks till he's 2 he is putting three word phrases together all the time!!! He comes up with new phrases sometimes hourly!! He is starting to have real conversations with us, it's so weird for me still!!
He is already entering the "terrible twos" and is very independent and knows what he wants and how he wants it!! He also knows how to throw a fit when it doesn't happen how he wants it too!!! He doesn't like to wear a coat, but loves his jacket so we might have a lot of kicking and screaming this winter!!! Ready or not 2 here we come!!!
He also had another vomiting episode this week!! Luckily this only lasted an hour and he's been fine since!! We might just have a puker on our hands!!!
He goes to school every day in our own little routine and does very well!!! Thank goodness he is easily distracted it makes my mornings much easier!!! He is very sweet and loveable and gives lots of cuddles and kisses, and blows kisses to about every teacher at the place!!! He's my crazy kiddo for sure!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall....miss the long days and warmth...but

I am very sad to see summer go, but starting to enjoy fall!! I love what October brings to do with the kids, but dread the cold and not wanting to be outside!!! The fight of having to wear pants has started with the boys, and never knowing what to put them in is in effect!!! We have lots of Halloween activities planned already, a family wedding, and Brayden's sports activities!!! The kids picked out their costumes and I can't wait to see them all dressed up!!! Nolan will be 2 in 6 weeks and I am in denial!! This week Nolan has started using phrases like "be right back", "see ya later", "love you to the moon", "my friend maddy"!!! Nolan and Brayden continue to fight over toys non stop, we feel like even though they are 4.5 years apart we need to buy 2 of everything!!
Brayden has been very into the Cubs and the World Series, he tries to stay up and watch the games every chance he gets!! We have been outside as much as possible enjoying every moment of nice weather we can, spending time with friends and preparing for winter!! Nolans school had a fall party and a small reunion for Brayden's preschool class, it was such a fun night for all!!! We are very luck to be part of an amazing daycare to help raise our kids!! 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Dreading the cold

Since the weather got warm we have spent endless hours outside, it's the boys "Happy Place" for sure!!! I am soooo not looking forward to cold weather when it's hard to go outside and most of the time I just don't want to go outside!!
Brayden's teacher sent me an email this week on how well he is reading and that he is leading his reading group and it an excellent student!! He has got a 100% on both his math tests too!!! He reads to me every night and I really look forward to that part of the day!! We are so proud of him!!! He's also keeping busy with soccer, basketball, and Ninja class and excelling in all of them!!! We are thankful that Nolan is still little and not involved in three activities at the same time!! Brayden has been very into the CUBS this year and enjoying the playoffs so far!!!!It's amazing to watch him grow into such an amazing kid!!! 
Nolan is finally playing and entertaining himself for short periods of time!!! It's great not to be lugging him around all night!!! He spends most of his time playing with his brothers toys not baby toys!!! He tells us when he goes potty in his diaper and sits on the potty almost every diaper change at home!!! He's very interested in the potty, and I am not ready!!! He is actually starting to listen to us when we tell him to do or not do something!!! He still likes to be held to fall asleep, he is becoming less of a mommy's boy every day!!! He lets me drop him off to daycare daily as long as we follow the same routine, he is easy to talk out of a fit or distract, and loves to do whatever his brother does!!! His new favorite food is go-gurt and grilled cheese cut into small squares!!!
These boys bring so much happiness to our lives, we are very lucky!!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

22 Months old and It's Fall!!

Nolan turned 22 months old this week!! I'm struggling to think he's going to turn 2!!! Last two weeks have been rough, Nolan had gastro and puked periodically for 10 days!! I have never had a kid sick this long!!! We had to with hold food for him and then only give him bland easy to digest food!!! He was so hungry and basically begging for food!! I took him to the doctor twice thinking we were missing something, but thankfully all is well!! He's back to his normal self and eating again!!! He lost a half of a pound being sick but I'm guessing it's back on!!! He got one of his I teeth this week, only three more till he's done teething and then we will get 2 year old molars!!! He's talking very well, people often ask how old he is and are surprised with the words he uses already!!! This kiddo is just dragged from one place to another for all of Brayden's activities!!!
Brayden had a soccer game today, Nolan was entertained by a few other kids so I got to pay attention to the game!!! And he scored a goal, got the ball on the opposite side of the field and he took it down and scored!!! We were so excited even Nolan stood up cheering!!! He starts basketball in a few weeks, and still does Ninja class!! Brayden is reading us books every night and I am amazed at how far he has come since school started!!! He reads books to his brother, and my heart melts!! We are loving life with these two, even with all the chaos that comes along with it!!!