Sunday, October 24, 2010


This week Brayden has been practicing and perfecting his sitting up, and he is doing so well. I can't believe how big he is getting. We started putting him in 6-9 month clothes this week so he has so many outfits that he hasn't gotten to wear yet so it is sooo much fun to get him dressed again. He is so long that he can't wear 1 piece outfits unless we buy a size bigger so we have bought him quite a few outfits that have multiple layers and ofcourse we think he looks adorable.
He has been extra fussy the last few days!! Grandma and Trevor came over today to keep him busy for a while!! Thank goodness for grandma's and cousins!!! He has been a little happier since they left!! Whatever works.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I love HATS!!!

I bought Brayden a new hat for winter last week and he loves it. He pulls it down over his eyes so he can just breathe out of his nose and laughs and laughs!!
He also continues to love his new stroller, he hardly ever gets fussy when he is outside and in the stroller.

Brayden got his second tooth this weekend!! Hopefully we have a little break before any other teeth start. He is sleeping better and not coughing so much besides him being much happier!!

He is becoming more independent already. He is sitting up by himself so well now. Every time he sits by himself he is able to hold it longer and longer.

I can't believe how quick they change!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sitting up all by himself

Brayden finds something new to do every day now. There is always something new he finds to play with, yesterday it was his piano. He loves to hit the keys and hear the music and see the lights and I think he knows that he makes it all happen. Today he was playing the piano and sat up all by himself for over a minute. It was so cute, he would even take a second and straighten himself out. When he got tired he just tipped over.

He also loves to watch football. He will stare at the tv for 15 minutes watching those guys run around and play on the football field. He watched Trevor play soccor Saturday and he loved it, was totally entertained just watching.

We started Brayden on vegtables Sunday. We have only tried peas so far, and he doesn't mind a little bit but prefers his oatmeal better. Tomorrow we will start green beans I guess. We will have to see how this goes over

Sunday, October 3, 2010

This week Brayden has decided that he will practice holding his upper body up. He is able to get his arms under him and hold his body up, although he has not figured out how to lift his butt up with his legs. We can't keep him on his back anymore unless he is asleep when we put him down!!!
Last Sunday his first tooth popped through, we were hoping to wake up this am and find the second one, but we were not that lucky.
The good news is he is sleeping a little better. He has slept in his own bed a few times for the night and done really well. We miss him being in our room though, but are getting better sleep at least.
We switched to oatmeal and he likes it better than the rice cereal, and we are looking forward to starting vegtables in another week or so!! Hopefully he will like the taste better, otherwise our only chance will be fruit!!!

I love my puppy, he lets me get away with anything!!

Ha, ha!! Grandpa has some work to do

I am working on walking already!!