Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Carnival Fun!!

Brayden is becoming very aware of his feelings and how others are feeling. When he gets mad he tells us, sad and happy. He also pays attention to how we feel and always wants us to be happy too!! He is dramatic at times with this and often goes upstairs to his room when he is mad or sad, then comes back downstairs when he is "HAPPY" again. Emotions sure do come and go quickly at 3. He has not been napping when he is not at school so I am sure being tired plays a part into this. Somehow this child can wake up at 7:30 and stay awake till 9:30 and not be ready to go to bed then. I wish I had a little of his energy at times!!
He is also starting to make funny faces when I try to take pictures. It cracks me up when I go back and look at the pictures. He remembers everything and every funny face he sees and then makes it back at me!! I can never get a good picture of it because he changes so fast, but I will keep trying!!
We went to Cornfest this weekend, which means that summer is pretty much over and Brayden had lots of fun. This year he was tall enough to ride the rides, but we were too tall to go with him and  we didn't want him to go by himself so he did a few rides. His favorites were slide related, the fun house, the big slide and the race cars! The Fun House took him two tries to do, but after he made it through once he did 4 more times in a row!! He is slowly becoming an independent little guy!!

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