Wednesday, September 4, 2013

He has FEELINGS all of a sudden...

This child cracks me up all the time. You never know what to expect out of him or what he will say next!! My parents laugh and tell me that "He reminds me so much of you, you deserve to have one just like you!!" "I wouldn't want it any other way and he is lucky he is cute" often comes out of my mouth, as well as" how do you not laugh when he says stuff even when he shouldn't of said of done it"!! Children are an adventure everyday!!
Yesterday I got a surprise day off from work, Brayden had to go to daycare because I can always get called in through a good portion of the shift, but I did not. Donny also went to the dentist in the am and then stayed home with me! We picked Brayden up from daycare together right after nap!! He loved it and didn't know who to hug first. It was his first day in his new room so we got to see and hear all about it before leaving the school. First thing he told us was he missed his "best friend Channey", they had been in the same class for a while and formed quite a friendship I see. Brayden and two little girls skipped a room and went to the next room, not sure how they picked who was going where but this decision broke my little guys heart. The teacher said that he stopped while playing because he heard the teacher next door say Channey's name!! On the way out he stopped in Channey's room and they hugged each other!! They really do miss each other!! How sweet he can make friends just like that!!

Lately he has also been telling us he is HAPPY, SAD, or MAD often. He also frequently asks us If we are HAPPY and tells us he wants to make us HAPPY!!! He goes upstairs to his room when he is sad and comes back down when he is happy, so feelings make sense to him!! He uses his words to explain what he feels and why. He still stomps around, or throws something at times, but he really is growing up too fast!!!

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