Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spring, spring come back!!!!

Our weather has been crazy all winter, definitely more mild than expected with bursts of amazing mixed in, very little snow, and very few really cold days!!!! We can't complain, but I am very ready for spring, then summer!!! I think this may be the reason we planned a impromptu vacation to California like 2.5 weeks before we leave!!!! We are so excited to get away, but I have a lot to do to plan for a 4 hour plane ride!!! We are not really sure what we are going to do while we are there, but hope to get a few things in that each boy wants to do, and some quality family time with Donny's sisters family!!!! I have a day off before and 4 after we get back so I hope to be well rested when I return to work!!! 
Nolan is full of words and sass!!! He knows what he wants and when he wants it!! He makes us laugh and crazy all at the same time!!! He is full of cuddles and very sweet!! He still doesn't have his 2 year old molars, but his I teeth are finally in!!! He's starting to interested in what he wears and loves when we let him wear Nike like his brother!!! He loves to play games like Ker-plunk, Don't Break the Ice, Hungry hungry Hippos, and Pop the Pig!!! We spend hours playing them, setting them up and making a mess, and then cleaning them up!! Nolan's new favorite show is Mickey Racers!!! We bought him a beach towel from the Disney store and he's been using it on the floor in the living room!! Nolan's new favorite food is spaghetti, he eats enough for two!!
Brayden is almost to Spring Break of his first grade year, I can't believe how fast it's went!!! He is doing very well!! We are planning his first field trip to Russell Woods, he's excited both mom and dad are coming!!! Basketball ball season came to an end!!! He has loved playing, and done very well!! We have 2 more indoor soccer games then we switch to outdoor in April!!! His footwork has improved drastically so we are excited to see what he does in outdoor!!! Brayden is very into clothes right now, sporty clothes that is, and picking his outfits out for all of his sporting events!! We are looking forward to our short break in between seasons!!! Brayden watches the Warriors basketball team every chance he gets!! He wanted to go see a game when we were in California but it's a long drive to get there, so maybe next year!!! He and daddy talk back and forth about basketball every day!!

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