Saturday, October 15, 2011

I don't get it.....

It has been a little while since I have had a chance to post, it has been a busy week, last weekend Donny was sick and I had an extra day at work this week, so I noticed I didn't have as much time to myself this week. Oh well!! Brayden got to spend a day with Grandma Kelly this week, and he loved it. He was so anxious to get back to her that his nap was only 1 hour, when it is usually 3 that is a big difference.This week Brayden is no longer even wanting a evening nap, but is able to stay up from 2:30 or so till 9:30 or so and doesn't always want to go to bed then. We have had to hold him to get through a fit, and then he will lay down. I am not sure how he is getting enough sleep, but he is happy and playing when he is awake most of the time, so I guess I shouldn't question it!!
This weekend it is suppose to start cooling off, which stinks because it will not be so easy to get outside. I should not complain because it is the middle of October I guess, but it is so nice to be able to play outside all day long!!
Brayden is climbing everywhere he can. He is able to use his toys to climb onto things that he could normally not climb onto and then ends up trying to stand on the arm of the couch with his arms in the air like he is the "KING of the mountian"!!! Good luck is all I can say, he is fast and creative, and shouldn't be left alone in a room ever!!!
Brayden knows what he wants, and how to get it. He has quite a personality. He is talking up a storm and will say anything that appeals to him, and nothing he doesn't want to too!! He is such a sweet little guy and we love him sooo much!

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