Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Things are about to get EXCITING!!!

Well, our little guy is not so much of a baby anymore, if he gets to make the decision that is. He is a climber, a runner, and a MACHINE!!!! He falls down and gets right back up and gets going again. He climbs up on furniture and anything he can attempt to. He pushes his limits with everything and has NO fear!! He has these looks that are to die for, I can't get over how cute they are but they usually mean he is about to do something he knows he is not suppose to do. He is talking like crazy, we are working on new words every day.He puts words together and then tells us what he thinks. He is finally let me read him books and interested in looking through them on his own. He likes to lounge around on Donny and I and just watch TV or have a snack. He got is 15th and 16th teeth in this weekend and we are hoping that we are done teething till 2 or so (he can eat anything with the ones he has)!!!
Donny and I spend more time laughing at him, taking pictures of the silly things he does or trying to get the other one around quick enough to see what he is doing than we do anything else. I am guessing that no one will be suprised when I say that my little guy RUNS THE SHOW AROUND HERE!!! I can't believe how quickly they change after they turn 1, you just don't get enough of that baby stage!! He is such a precious and fun little guy and we don't know what we would do without him.

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