Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brayden's First Easter

Well, another first and it's already over. Brayden did not meet the Easter Bunny with Donny and I because we thought for sure he would freak out, but I guess he liked following him around at daycare when he came in. He didn't let him touch him but he liked the way he looked. Maybe that is a good sign for next year? Brayden loved waking up to new toys and some candy he had never had before. He didn't want to much of it but when he got his hands on a peep he got a few good bites. (He must be related to my sister because I don't know any one else who likes peeps)
Brayden is still not walking, he is getting more daring by the minute but who knows with him. He will try and walk towards me and I will catch him, and ofcourse he thinks it is a game.
He is showing less interest in drinking a bottle. He is doing better drinking out of his sippy cup on his own so maybe breaking him from the bottom in June won't be so bad. I plan on getting rid of them after we transition him to real milk. Yeah!! No more cleaning bottles!

We've been working on his birthday party for a while now and it is all coming together. It is a Jungle theme. He loves giraffes so much. Hopefully he will have fun!! Here is a picture of the plates that we picked out.

Watching Daddy mow the lawn, haven't seen that machine before.

Had to trick him with a bottle to keep the hat on for a picture

He must be special no one touches the DS

What is going on, are they mine?

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