Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First Sick Day

Well, this past weekend was rough on me, but ofcourse Brayden seemed to do ok. There are a few things he likes mommy to do but we learned there are replacements for most!! He was really good for my parents and they had as much fun as he did, and he was an angel for them if you ask them. That is yet to be determined.

This week Brayden has started standing by himself pretty often, but as soon as he realizes what is going on he gets so excited that he falls down. He is also starting to figure things out, he can play basketball on one of his toys and he is understanding that if he does this, this will happen. Again, I am impressed at how fast they catch on to things.

Yesterday Donny had to go and pick Brayden up at daycare with a temp of 101.6. When he got there his teachers told Donny that he was really sad and sleeping alot and not eating!! Donny was determined to fix that and stopped at McDonalds and as you can see from the last picture he felt better in no time and ate like his usual self. He is definately our kid!!! Donny did a great job with Brayden and giving his ibuprofen and tylenol and an even better job of taking FREQUENT phone calls from me. The good news is he hasn't had another fever yet!! The bad news no new teeth like last time he had a fever and he is definately still grouchy and must not feel great plus his nose is running constantly so every time we wipe it, the fight starts!!
Come get me if you want me to wear clothes!!
I love Wii too!!
I found this toy and forgot how much fun it is!!

Daddy gave me McDonalds and now I am all better!!

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