Wednesday, May 13, 2015

5.5 months, new job for Mommy, Full time school

I have been one of those moms that works full time but only 3 LONG days per week since I had Brayden!! That all changed this week!! This is both kids first full week of daycare ever!!! It was bittersweet for me, but I hope the right choice. It seems like a dream to have some normalcy in my work life including being home at a decent time!!! Loving my time with the kids so far but missing not being off for a whole day!!! 
Nolan has been eating cereal for a few weeks and does pretty well, so this week I started him with some green beans and a sippy cup with water!!! He loved both!! I think he likes mommy being home so much he started sleeping 8-9 hours straight at night!!! He's eating and sleeping like a champ!!! He continues to practice sitting up and will have that down soon I'm sure!!! He recognizes mommy and daddy now and actually prefers to be with us, although he is not holding his arms out to come to is quite yet!! I remember the feeling of love I felt the first time Brayden held his arms out to come to me and I can't wait to have that again!!!! 
Brayden has been practicing letting mommy drop him off at school and did well!! He's also really enjoying me picking him up!!! He's swimming like a fish and continues to play Legos and soccer mostly!!! He started a countdown to his birthday all by himself and is super excited!! We talk everyday about all his friends that are coming to his party and how perfect it will be!!! He helped pick out the cake, pinata, and goody bag treats!!! I've got quite the party planner on my hands!!! In soccer last week he took the ball and went down the field a few times he sure has grown from fall season!! He doesn't complain anymore and goes after the ball frequently!!! He has got one goal and quite a few close calls!!! I just love watching him!!! I have a really good video but I can't get it to work!!! 
Here are a few pictures of my little guys from the past week or so!!!!

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