Sunday, April 26, 2015

Everyday is a learning day!!

We tried oatmeal for the first time with Nolan, he was not too into it!! He kept rolling his tongue at me and smiling so not too much went into his mouth!! We will continue to try till he decides its not so bad!!! He is already starting to sit in a tripod position with help for a short time!! He loves to sit in his toys that put him upright now and he no longer is arching his back to get out, he just enjoys seeing the new view!! He is not sleeping as sound as he once did especially the second part of the night, I'm sure that means that big changes are happening. He is exploring the world by putting everything to his mouth and really into touching everything!! He met Sophie the giraffe and loves to chew on her leg too!! He tries to hold his own bottle and for anyone that knows me knows I don't like that at all!! They only get a bottle for year and I love feeding time for cuddling and him just being a BABY!!! He grabs big brothers toy figures and chews on them, try telling a 4 year old that is how he learns and see where it gets you!! LOL!!! He doesn't like anything to be wet so that is not going over well!! Nolan will be 5 months old tomorrow and I already look at him and can't remember him being a premie at all!!
I have 2 more weeks of working only three days per week and 12 hour shifts!! This week was rough because I did 4 12 hour shifts and I felt like I didn't hold Nolan and interact with him from Monday!! I am excited to be home at a normal time everyday, but will need to adjust to working 5 days per week!!
This week was cold and rainy so we didn't get outside much!! Brayden's soccer game was even cancelled, he didn't get to ride his bike, so we are looking forward to this week when we will see 60-70's everyday!! Brayden is continuing his swimming lessons and is able to tread water and keep himself above the water all by himself, he just needs to work on his stamina!! Brayden is really enjoying soccer this year and has been much for involved so it is going to be fun to watch!!

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