Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's been a while!

Well, its been a while since I have updated the blog, I reached my limit for pictures and I didn't have the time to try and figure out what to do next!!! I got it now and have tons of pictures to post of my little cutie!!
He is getting so big, so fast, I can't believe it. He is growing taller by the minute and we just bought him 3T pants to go with the 3T shirts he has been wearing. He is talking up a storm. I swear he talks from the second he wakes up till the second he falls asleep!! He picks up words like "bummer", "cliff", "mountain", he told me the other day that "I going to work, somebody gotta do it", everytime we go to the store he tells us "I don't want Santa to come, I just want presents now"! He has no idea what he is for at Christmas
He loves to color and put stickers on paper, he also likes to admire his work. He doesn't forget anything so you have to keep everything because he will look for it again and again. He still loves monster trucks and cars but he is also really liking dinosaurs too along with everything else he sees!!
Donny and I are so excited for Christmas, he is going to be shocked when he wakes up that am and sees all of the presents!!
He is fun to go to the store with because he loves to browse around and look at all the toys, he usually tells us he needs to take some home but no fits when we say no at least!!
We have been working on potty training and he is doing ok, but I am having a hard time getting him to empty his bladder so he needs to pee every 15 mintues so he gets annoyed real quick!! We are slowly progressing and don't expect anything for a little while still. He can be a stinker!!

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