Saturday, September 5, 2015

I have a Kindergartner!!!

I still don't believe I have a kindergartner, although he reminds daily!!! He is getting so big!!! The first day of kindergartner Donny and I both dropped him off, stood in line with him, and waved goodbye as he walked like a big boy into the big school with his class!! It was a rough morning for me. I went home and just waited all day to pick him up!! He was one of the first kids out of the building and I couldn't wait to cuddle him!! He had the biggest smile on his face and lots to say!!! We talked about his first day and how much he liked it!!! He has had 8 days now and loves his teacher and his class, but doesn't like his after school program!! He is the youngest one in it and it has been bad since the first day!! Yesterday Donny took him to see one at another grade school where 5 of his friends are and he was to transition to that one, so luckily it is ran by his old daycare and they will get him in ASAP!!! Hoping for a little less anxiety for me and a happy KINDERGARTNER TOO!!!! He has learned so much already in school. Donny and I are amazed every day with that he comes home knowing!! He has learned multiple songs. He loves to count, add, and sing the ABC's, he knows the months of the year, and working on the days of the week!!! All in 8 days!! He practices writing his last name every day too!! He tells us often that Kindergarten is harder than preschool but he seems to enjoy it!!! I just can't believe I am posting these pictures 5 years later!!!!

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