Friday, August 14, 2015

It's been a while

I have so many pictures to post and so many things to report!! My boys are growing so fast I can't keep up!! We have had a busy couple weeks!! We went on a little weekend getaway and left Nolan with grandma and grandpa for the first time, we had an end of the year field trip for the daycare at our house, we celebrated Donny's birthday, we are getting ready for Kindergarten, and going to Florida, plus enjoyed the summer since the weather has stayed warm and dry!! Nolan is eating real food only, he doesn't like baby food and can manage about anything soft and small enough!! He is doing great picking up his food and feeding himself and using a sippy cup!! He wants to crawl so bad, and he is getting good at backwards so its coming soon for sure!! We keep hoping that we can make it through the plane ride without him crawling so he will be content with us holding him!! Nolan at 8.5 months old has finally decided that he doesn't need to sleep every 2 hours!! He started this week taking just two naps per day!!! He's such a great sleeper that we have just let him do his own thing!!! Nolan still likes to be held, be given toys that make music or loud noises, be outside, and around other kids or his brother!! He is definitely happier watching people!!!
Brayden has had a count down for days left in daycare. He is down to 3 days!! He is so excited to go on vacation and be done at school, but is starting to get a little anxious about Kindergarten!! I played him a message from his new teacher this week and he got a big smile!! We go to the school twice before he actually starts so it will be interesting to see how it goes!!! He keeps telling us he is sad because he doesn't have any friends that will go there!! He will adjust and I just keep telling myself that!!! He is finally enjoying his time learning letters and counting and asks to do it frequently even at home!! He spends time with his teachers one on one just to get better!! He wants to  be able to do all of the  things the other kids in his class can do and then he spends time practicing on his own terms!!!

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