Saturday, February 27, 2016


The boys won't slow down when it comes to growing up!!! Brayden usually gets dropped off at school by Donny, this week because of my crazy schedule right now I took him twice!!! One of the hardest things for me to watch is him walking down what seems to be the longest sidewalk in the world to play with his friends before school!!! I get all sentimental every time!! The second day I took him he wanted me to walk with him, which I jumped at the chance!! I got to the stack of book bags and he said bye, I must of looked sad because he got about 5 steps away and he turned around and blew me a kiss!! Talk about a happy mommy moment!!!!:) Brayden is becoming a very active guy who would like to have some sort of activity every day!!! We now have swimming and ninja class and soon soccer too!!! His next one to add will be basketball I think, he has been playing and learning at school and is very interested!!! We have had a few nice days including today and Brayden asked to ride his bike and play soccer!!! The boys both love to be outside so we are looking forward to the summer!!! Donny asked Brayden where we were going for mommy's birthday dinner and he said, "mom I will tAke you to Texas Roadhouse since you don't want MCDonalds usually!!!" This boy just wants everyone to be proud of him and we have no reason not to be!!!
Nolan got two more top teeth, he is now up to 6! He got another icky fast diaper rash to go with it too!!! Every day he becomes more entertain able and easier for us to get things done!! He loves toys with noises and ones that he can push and show off his walking skills!! He is now walking more than crawling and he is getting pretty good at it!!! He moves up to the next room at daycare next week. His trial days went well, they kind of cheated because his whole class is moving together including his teachers but a good transition means a happy baby and happy mommy!! Nolan has started to throw huge fits when he is tired where it's hard to calm him down and he arches his back and throws himself down!! I truly forgot this stuff starts so soon!!! He is becoming quite a talker and tries to repeat everything we say!! I know I say this all the time but I wish I could freeze time!!

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