Monday, March 30, 2015

4 months

We went to the doctor today for Nolan's 4 month check up!! He woke up with croup yesterday so I didn't think we would have to do shots, but I was wrong!!! NO TEMP=SHOTS!! I am not sure that shots will ever be easy when dealing with a newborn!! I hate it so much and hearing him scream because he is in pain kills me every time!!! I know that it is the right thing for him but it SUCKS for lack of a better word!! He's growing still even bigger than I thought he was!! His latest STATS are:
16 pounds 1 ounce (54th percentile)
24.5 inches (38th percentile)
He's doing really well considering he has croup and got 3 shots!! Let's see how the next few days go~

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