Monday, March 30, 2015

4 months

We went to the doctor today for Nolan's 4 month check up!! He woke up with croup yesterday so I didn't think we would have to do shots, but I was wrong!!! NO TEMP=SHOTS!! I am not sure that shots will ever be easy when dealing with a newborn!! I hate it so much and hearing him scream because he is in pain kills me every time!!! I know that it is the right thing for him but it SUCKS for lack of a better word!! He's growing still even bigger than I thought he was!! His latest STATS are:
16 pounds 1 ounce (54th percentile)
24.5 inches (38th percentile)
He's doing really well considering he has croup and got 3 shots!! Let's see how the next few days go~

Saturday, March 28, 2015

4 months old

Nolan was 4 months old yesterday and we got a few of his three month pictures!!! They turned out adorable of both boys and the one of both of them truly shows their love for each other!!! It was worth having to go twice now that I see the finished product!!! Can't wait to see what the next pictures have in store for us!! Cute Kids!!!
I can't believe how fast this kiddo is changing, I feel like he gets bigger while I am away at work for 14 hours!! He's such a happy baby except when he is hungry I think he can be heard for hours away!! Enjoy the sneak peak!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Almost 4 months...

Where has the time gone, I can't believe Nolan is almost 4 months old already!! He's growing fast and its amazing how much you forget from the first child!! We are still dealing with "fussy time" some evenings, other times he's perfect, sometimes he wants to go to bed for the night at 7:30 and other times 9:30, you just never know. The early bed time is new for us, Brayden never wanted to go to bed no matter how hard we tried and never went back to sleep in the middle of the night right away!! We are so thankful to have a better sleeper this time around!! Nolan continues to like to watch tv, play with toys that hang over him, and cuddle!!! He's getting better and putting himself to sleep when we lay him down and is finally taking longer than 15 minute naps!! Here's to hoping to get him on a better schedule soon. In the meantime I will just take in all of those amazing smiles he has!! I can't get enough of my boys!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Big Week for the Little Guy

This week Nolan started grabbing and holding toys and really enjoying being under his play mat and having things hanging around him!! He is much more content laying by himself which has made our lives much easier!! Although I have noticed in his sleeping pattern that he is going through a big change because he is waking up about every 3-4 hours through the night, he eats a little and goes right back to sleep at least!! He loves to be cuddled and held still especially by his brother!! He is almost always smiling when Brayden is around!! We took a few walks this week and it has been amazing!! The outdoors quiet and soothe him very quickly!! We walked almost 2 miles one day because he was so content!! Brayden has nicknamed Nolan "Rollie Nollie", it fits him well at this point!! When Nolan has the opportunity to be in just a onsie he shows us how he can roll from his back to his belly!! He is growing faster than I am ready for sure!!
Brayden is still in swimming lessons and doing really well. He is almost able to float all by himself on his back and he can tread water for a short time, just needs some endurance!! He rode his bike from last year and looked hilarious because it was way to small!! He will be needing a new one very soon!! Donny is convinced that he will be riding without training wheels this year!! Brayden is looking forward to giving his brother his first ride in Lightening McQueen this summer!!! Brayden went to the eye doctor for the first time today and did really well, he impressed me as usual!! Last year at the doctors office he told the nurse, "No thank you" when she attempted to check his vision!! I guess one day I will realize that things like this will get easier every year. 
Once again I got some precious pictures of the love these two boys already have for each other!! My heart is so full with these two sweetie pies!!!

I interviewed for a new position this week as a "Clinical Manager" for an outpatient convenient care. It is a 5 day a week position with a little more flexibility with hours, and really no holidays! I am weighing my options and attempting not to have to be away from them for 14 hours at a time!! Time will tell!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

15 weeks...

The boys are doing awesome at daycare!! I called this week to check on Nolan and he was taking a 2 plus hour nap swaddled in a crib!! I couldn't believe it. I called another time and the teacher told me he was looking at his handsome self in the mirror!!! He's eating well, and much less fussy, so they say he is adjusting well!!! Yeah!! That makes being back at work a little easier!!! Brayden is still checking on him every day and loves seeing his brother in the infant room!!! Luckily he has some amazing teachers that take the extra time to take him down there!!! Nolan is wanting to pick things up, and interested in primarily stuffed animals right now!! He loves to watch bright colored things and hear music!! His attention span is longer now and he will sit and watch Brayden doing something, or watch us eat, he also likes to watch daddy and brother play video games!! He also is liking being in his mama roo and swing again!! He doesn't want to be held all the time anymore!! The weather is finally getting warm enough to go outside!! We took a walk this week and it was amazing to be outside in the fresh air!! Nolan loved it too, and I think he will like it more when he can sit up in the stroller and not be in the carrier!!